What do our customers think of Apis Footwear Co.? Below are some unsolicited snippets from their emails or faxes.
William S. - Appreciate your comment William, Apis CSR
J K, United States
4/28/2012 2:00pm
"Excellent for the critical care foot including PVD & arthritic because it contours to the shape of the foot. The Bunion/ Edema 728-E shoe has wroked very well for our patients with needs that standard footwear can not provide.
Rich Rusche, CO, CPed
Phoenix, AZ"
4/27/2012 2:00 pm
"Denise Myers CPO,Quality Care, Anaheim, CA
I have found that the 728E to be very effective in the diabetic & arthritic feet. The fact that they come in multiple widths qualify them for Medicare & the removable inserts leave room for braces.
As long as I am working with these types of problems, Apis will be an important part of my inventory"
We used the Apis shoe 628/728 in many cases for edema when a custom molded shoe would cut into the ankle causing pain and abrasion. The collar is much more comfortable. The shoe comes in sufficient widths and depth to accommodate when no other shoe that I know of will fit or be appropriate.
Donald Rogers, CPed Star Shoes, Lawrenceville, GA
10/30/2010 3.00 PM

5/30/2006 6:58 PM
"When she tried these shoes on and walked around the waiting room I will tell you I had to refrain from weeping. This was the first time in literally months I have seen her walk around without appearing handicapped (as I recognize she obviously is). I wanted to personally thank you for all of your efforts. You did a marvelous job.
Russ North on behalf of Karen North